bank account in malta

Malta banking sector

The island of Malta boasts of a high performing banking sector recognized within the European Union and beyond. The financial services provided are highly sought after by foreign investors making it one of the nation’s top GDP contributors. Malta offers an advantageous environment for investors looking for a stable home for their investments.



Financial service license in Malta

Malta globally stands out when it comes to financial services. This is owed to its thriving international relations and an extensive network of double taxation agreements.  Its embracement of all the EU financial services and regulations has allowed it to easily network and do business with many other countries around the globe. This has greatly contributed to the country’s financial stability.


Maltese citizenship

There are a plethora of benefits that come with having Maltese citizenship. This explains why it is not very easy to get citizenship in Malta. According to the Maltese legislation Amendment Act of 2013, there are three major categories by which one can obtain Maltese citizenship. 



Applying for a Maltese citizenship explained!

Malta is becoming one of the most preferred destinations for investors and expatriates from around the world. This is owed to its stunning climate, attractive business opportunities among other reasons. Like any other country, the Maltese government has put in place a number of laws and regulations to control the immigration and the acquisition of citizenship in the country. The Maltese Citizenship Act was established for the purpose of individuals in need of citizenship in Malta. 

