Third country citizens and citizens of Croatia need a work permit in order to work in Malta. EU and Swiss citizens do not require a work permit in order to work in the country.
Third country citizens must obtain a work permit issued by the Department of Citizenship and Expatriate Affairs, the same institution responsible for issuing the e-Residence cards. All work permits and e-Residence cards are applied for at the same time. The Employment and Training Corporation is involved in this procedure, as it examines all requests for work permits from a labor perspective of the market.
However, a work permit is not automatically granted and will only be offered if a citizen from the EEA or Switzerland can be identified for a certain position.
How to apply for a work permit in Malta
Non – EU citizens must submit a Single Permit application that must be endorsed by a employer or a prospective employer.
The required documents to obtain a work permit are the following:
- A Form C, filled and submitted to the ETC desk of the Department of Citizenship and Expatriate Affairs;
- Passport;
- Employment license, if this is the case;
- Proof of sickness insurance coverage for all risks, if a person is already residing in Malta;
- Workers in regulated professions will also need a document stating that the conditions are fulfilled to exercise their profession in the EU.
In addition to these documents, other documents may be required during the procedure, such as:
- Curriculum Vitae;
- Job title and description;
- References;
- A passport photo;
- A copy of the visa, for persons already residing in Malta;
- Copies of diplomas and qualification certificates;
- Covering letter, indicating the site of work;
- Evidence that the employer company has been attempting to recruit a Maltese or EU citizen for the position.
For an individual work permit application, it may ne necessary to provide the following documents:
- Valid police check or certificate;
- Refugee certificate, if the case;
- Proof of long term residence;
- Medical specialist evidence for overseas careers;
- Children’s birth certificates for nanny jobs;
- Power of attorney;
- Proof of relationship to a diplomat;
- Proof from a professional regulatory body abroad, for regulated professions;
- Health clearance from a professional.
Work permits for self – employed individuals
Citizens from a third country may be granted a work permit to be self – employed only in exceptional circumstances, such as:
- Highly skilled innovators with a business plan and a commitment to employ three EU or Swiss citizens within 18 months from the start- up;
- Capital investment in Malta of at least 100,000 euros;
- Sole representative of an overseas company that wishes to establish a branch in Malta;
- A person leading an approved project by a Malta company.
Long – term residents, asylum seekers, refugees and those seeking humanitarian protection will still need a work permit, but they are exempt from the above criteria.
EU citizens, EEA citizens and Swiss citizens do not need a work permit to work as self – employed; however, they must send a Declaration of Commerce Employment to the Employment and Trading Corporation.
Part – time jobs in Malta
Part –time work rules in Malta differ for EU and non – EU citizens. Third country employees may work only on a full –time basis, unless the remuneration for the employment is at least twice the minimum wage. Romanian and Bulgarian citizens may work part – time only if they have previously worked for 12 months in Malta on a full – time basis. There are no restrictions for EU citizens, long – term residents, persons under humanitarian protection or refugees.
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